Expert Staff, Services and Professional Assistance

Associated Adjusters Sdn. Bhd. (AA), was established more than 20 years ago. Over the years, AA has undertaken various insurance tasks assignments.

Claims Investigation and Adjustment Expertise for Motor and Non-motor.

We are prepared to conduct investigation on all suspected fraud claim with tact and diplomacy with the interest of the insurer in mind. In the past we have solved many fraudulent claims for various insurers and others.


Panel Adjuster Claims

Own or third party claims. We would impress that our organization, staffed by suitable personnel are able to provide the best services to meet your highest expectations.

Bodily Injury Claims

Passengers are injured or if there is any fatalities due to our policyholder (insured) negligence, you may pursue a Motor Bodily Injury claims process with us.

Property Damage & Theft Claims

The most common general insurance policies. This cover the cost of repairs if you are at fault for a car accident that damages another vehicle or property.

Non-motor Claims

The claim has not led to the customer’s insurer making any payments. All payments made by the insurer have been recovered from a third party and/or their insurer.

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Trusted Adjusters

Expert Staff, Services and Professional Assistance 

Associated Adjusters Sdn. Bhd. (AA), was established more than 20 years ago. Over the years, AA has undertaken various insurance tasks assignments.

Over 20 years of related field in experienced

Offering Best-in-class Customer Experiences

Meet our Experienced Team of Professional

Providing one of the best experiences in the industry and customer needs, we give you and your business the power to grow

We all have stale contacts in our lists




Adjuster & Claims Professionals

Mr. Vadivale Munyandy

Managing Director

En. Abdul Aziz Bin Mohd Nor

Chairman / Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Joseph Ravindran

Executive Director

Manage client claims process and assisting client with their claims

Our experience in these areas of business expose our Claims Management Specialist’s to a vast range of business issues

Transform your claims without compromising security or safety as well as accuracy when performing claim task.

Make responsiveness a priority everyone, from top-level management to each employee in our company.

We work with many high profile companies here in Malaysia for the claim process needs for years.


Unit C-9-1, Block C, 9th Floor,

Megan Avenue II, No.12,

Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,

50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel No: 03-2166 6330

Fax No: 03-2166 6110
